Friday, 7 September 2012

Water : The divine nectar and the prana of our life

Cure Your Body Disorders with Water

Water is the divine nectar for all of us and for other creatures in this world. Without is we can't survive. Water is the prana (Vital Force) of our life. 

Water is considered to be as "Universal Solvent". It can dissolve any chemicals in it and neutralize it. So, why can't it dissolve the impurities in form of chemicals in our body. Hence, water can be used to cure may of our diseases.

Water Element is sole liquid constituent of our body. It is mostly in form of our blood running through our veins and our arteries. Water coming out of our body is mostly salt water. It comes from eyes, from body in form of sweat, in form of vomit , from our bladder in form of urine, etc. Water coming out from our body is full of impurities which is expelled by our body. Whenever water content in our body decreases, it causes thirst, we need to replace it by drinking more water until the water content of our body is satisfied.

Hence, if we use water as a medicine in proper way then most of our body problems can be instantly solved.

The food that we eat goes in our stomach where it mixes with air and water. Fire element in our Stomach which is in form of acid is released which helps in digestion process. The digestion process is absorption of food energy in our body. The food energy which is released in this digestion process is distributed to all the parts of the body and the remains is passed to the small intestine and then after large intestine which is called as excreta.

You may have noticed that if we don't clean a gutter, then it will smell awfully bad and we can't bear it. Same case is there with our Stomach. If we feed it now and then without cleaning, then saturation point will come and it will release bad odor in form of bad energy which will be absorbed by other parts of our body. This bad energy will create illness and we suffer from diseases thereafter.

So, my point is we should clean our Stomach once in a week to keep it functioning properly. Stomach cleaning can be done with water .

Stomach cleaning with Water

Choose the day when you have a holiday. When you wake up don't eat anything before doing this. Now, drink lot of water till your stomach is filled up and you feel like vomiting. ( For me it is roughly 6-7 glasses of water). Now, wait for sometime. You will get pressure soon. At the time of relieving pressure, you will feel like my stomach and bowels are getting cleaned. After getting rid of pressure wait for nearly half or an hour and then you can eat anything. You will feel lighter and full of energy after doing this.

Also, I need to tell you one more important thing. Whenever you eat, eat slowly. When stomach is half full it will tell you in form of burp that it is half full and now is the time to stop. Now, out of the remaining half filled stomach, drink as much water so that 1/4th stomach remains empty for air. This way of eating food will properly digest our food.

Water usage for curing some disease symptoms

If a person is unconscious then sprinkle water on the diseased face now and then. This will help to make the person conscious.

Injury and Swelling
In case of injury and swelling, use a clean cloth soaked well in water and bind that on the area of the injury or swelling. This will give relief in pain and will fasten healing process. Also, little warm cloth applied over the swelling area helps in decreasing you swelling.

Sprinkle water in your eyes daily in the morning when you get up and before going to bet at night. This will keep eyes away from diseases.  

In case of fever apply clean cloth soaked well in cold water on the forehead now and then. Also, rub the water soaked cloth on the other body parts. This will help to lower down the temperature. 

Vomit and nausea
In the case of vomit, drink water now and then regularly. This will clean your stomach and thereby your vomit sensation will be gone. Also, you can add a pinch of salt and lemon to a glass of water and drink it. This will also help in vomit an nausea. 

Nightfall Problems 
If you wash your hands and legs before going to bed, then you won't be having problem of nightfall and also by doing so, you will get sound sleep.

Constipation problems
If you have constipation problems, then start drinking water daily in the morning without eating anything. This will soon help you in getting rid of this problem. 

Irritation while urinating
In summer, sometimes you feels a lot of irritation while urinating. This can be solved if you drink a lot of water and eat less. This will pacify the heat quantity in your body and hence you will get relief.

In clean water add 1 some sugar and salt and then drink it. This will help you  to get rid of diarrhea. 

Wet or Dry cough
Gargle with warm water now and then. You will soon get relief. Also, you can add some salt in your warm water and then gargle with it. 
If you will keep your Stomach Healthy then Your Whole body will remain Healthy.

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